Chicken Finally, Alien Base on the Moon, Stupid Moves, This is Where it Will Start, Dumb Mayor
Hey there everyone, I hope you are having a great Friday! My day was alright, some things are good, I got to actually eat a little chicken today. First time I've had that in a few weeks, nice change. Always has to be something else, my smart drive isn't working right, now it won't work if I take my finger off that button. So I'm taking it in to Hitek on Monday, hope it's nothing big. Well anyway, time to get into it!
Conspiracy Day! Scott C. Waring has shown the world proof of alien habitation on our closest neighbor, the Moon. Of course I'm being facetious but this is a man that thinks there is a secret alien Moon base and the proof is in a book of NASA pictures called Lunar Orbiter Photographic Atlas of the Near Side of the Moon. He claims there is a picture in the book that shows an alien base and he says that this is one of the tools he uses to expose NASA hiding the existence of alien life. He says that these are the real pictures that NASA has not been able to touch-up and make things look the way they want, even though I'm pretty sure this book was not published without NASA looking at it and making what changes they wanted to it, the government is good at stuff like that. From seeing what he thinks is the alien base, I just don't see it as that image can be a lot of different things. What do you all think, here is that article;
This is a bad thing that president elect Biden is pushing for, wanting to lockdown the entire country for 4 to 6 weeks. This so-called doctor that is helping out Biden is calling for the country to be locked down for a month or more and he also thinks that America has the cash on hand to cover any lost wages or any other monies that are lost by local or state governments. I don't really understand where that money would come from but that is the most common takeaway from people that believe in socialism, the problem with that ideology is that eventually you run out of other peoples money to spend. That would be so much worse for our economy, it would take 10 or more years to recover. I hope the idiot that proposed this doesn't get into a spot where he makes actual policy. Here is that article;
This is the issue that could spark a world war with China, Taiwan. China thinks of the island as part of mainland China but to a lot of countries out there it is considered it's own sovereign nation. China is very upset with American companies selling weapons to Taiwan and the fact that American offcials visited the island country earlier this year. They also don't like that officials from Taiwan are going to be visiting The United States of America towards the end of the year. Hopefully China doesn't do anything stupid but I am sure we can take them down if need be. Here is that article;
I really wish these elected officials would get their heads out of their you-know-what. All they are doing is going to ruin businesses and lives but I really don't think they care about that right now. As I've said before, most politicians do not care about the American people, as long as we pay taxes then they are happy. Unless you are a leftist, you are never happy. Here is an article about the draconian measures that the idiot mayor of Chicago is doing;
Well, that's all for me this week. I really hope that all of you have a great weekend, take care and stay safe!