Feels Better, Can't Find Him, Need Feedback, Alcohol is Worse Than Other Drugs
Hey all, I hope your day is going great! My day has been alright, I got my soft liner put in for my dentures today and it does feel pretty good. Still can't really eat anything though but it's getting better and I can now more clearly see what the process is. I'm not supposed to take the teeth out for 24 hours from getting that done so I really haven't had much at all to eat today. I've mostly been living on meal replacement shakes and it isn't as bad as I thought it could be. Enough about me, time to get into it!
History Day! So right now there is a lot of talk about police reform, this case is something I really hope they have since fixed in Ohio. Back in 1973 Lester Eubanks was serving life in prison for the murder of a 14 year old girl and for some reason he was allowed to go Christmas shopping. While at the local mall he made a quick escape and has not been caught in almost 50 years. Why in hell would they allow a child murderer go Christmas shopping, of all things. Him not being found for this long has made this even more sad and I hope someone in Ohio corrections was punished for this. Guess the state should have taken care of this guy before they voted away the death penalty. Anyway, here is that article; https://allthatsinteresting.com/lester-eubanks
So I'm just looking for some feedback here. I know the type of blog I write is a little different from what is mostly out there but I want to know if there is anything I need to change or do differently. I like what I do but I don't seem to get the readership I was hoping for by this time and that makes me think I'm doing something wrong. Please let me know so I can address it and change what needs to be done. Thanks to all of you that have stayed with me!
I found a list on Listverse that echo's what I've been saying for a long time, that alcohol is a more deadly drug than most others. I always say that most things are alright in moderation when asked and I believe that, just like the drugs on this list, if you over-take it then it will be very harmful. But that goes for plenty of things that are considered legal in The United States of America, you can overdose on pretty much anything including water and oxygen. I do think that alcohol is much more harmful than a lot of "illegal" drugs out there, some of those drugs can even help in certain instances. Magic mushrooms can help with depression or other mental problems, I think ketamine can be effective for pain relief and so on. Hopefully the medicinal effects of drugs are looked at closer the more we uncover about medicine in the 21st century. Here is that list; https://listverse.com/2018/01/29/10-drugs-less-deadly-than-alcohol/
That's it for me on this Wednesday. I really hope that all of you have a great night or day, take care and stay safe!