Getting Things Done, Misconceptions, Still Got It, Funny Stuff
Hey everyone, hope your day is going great! My day has been just alright but at least I was able to see my doctor and figure a few things out. She set me up an appointment with the pain clinic with the University of Missouri Hospital system, I see them on the 12th of March and talked to her about my dental problems. She set up an appointment with the dental surgeon who is with MU hospital and they will call me with that appointment. At the end of the appointment she asked me if there was anything else and I told her I would need like 2 hours to talk about all my problems, which is really true, I have a lot of stuff going on but told her I'll tough it out like I always do. Can't stop now, just gotta keep pushing no matter what. I did make it to the gym again today but think I may have pulled something in my right shoulder but as of now it isn't hurting much so it's probably fine. Just a little tweaked or something so I'll be alright. So anyway, let me get to it!
History Day! So I found a list of misconceptions that I wanted to write about, it was on Listverse and it is titled 10 Aspects of Colonial America Everyone Pictures Incorrectly. I love reading about or teaching people of misconceptions in life, guess I love to see peoples faces when I tell them that what they pictured didn't happen that way. I guess I'm a little cruel like that, seeing the joy lift from their eyes. But they have to know the truth, just like a little kid learning about Santa or a lot of things their mother tells them. I know, moms were just trying to keep us safe, the whole running with scissors thing is still relevant, you shouldn't do that. So, like the other ones I will pick a few to talk about. My favorite misconception to talk about is the Thanksgiving holiday here in America. And probably the biggest and easiest one is, they did not call themselves and nobody else called them Pilgrims. That name came a little later after their landing. This article says they were called Separatists, while they were called that by some in England they called themselves Saints. But, they did not make up the whole of the Mayflower, it was manned by many "strangers" or not Saints so the Saints needed to come up with something fast before they landed to help themselves out. The made a charter that is called the Mayflower Compact and had everyone sign it for when they landed. Of course things changed after a few years of the landing but all governments change. The next one is about the American Constitution being modeled after the Iroquois Confederacy's constitution. It's something people like to throw out there to think they sound smart but it isn't the case at all. Adams, Jefferson and the other Framers did not really read up on their constitution and what they did know of it they didn't like. Thinking theirs was too close to democracy, which is something the founders didn't want America to be because democracy is literally mob rule. They didn't want that and because they didn't want mob rule that is why we have the electoral college. Otherwise the big cities would make all the decisions and the Framers didn't want that to happen to the regular citizen. So, here is that top 10 list;
So this one will be a little short, just not much to talk about really. This happened in Cardiff, Wales where a 77 year old man was getting money out of an ATM when he was approached by a mugger who should have just stayed at his moms house. The older guy threw some good looking boxing punches at the would be mugger, looking like he had some training at some point in his life. He showed that the training never leaves you when confronted by an idiot. Here's to you good man, nice work! Here is that video;
I find this story pretty funny and I understand their desire to do this, only thing is it will take a lot to get this accomplished but I'm pulling for them. Also, if it doesn't happen we would be happy to have you in Missouri. Ok, conservative residents of Oregon have made a petition to leave the state of Oregon and join Idaho in, what is being referred to as, Greater Idaho. The residents say they would much prefer the conservative leadership of Idaho to the liberal hacks that are currently running the state into the ground. Liberals have a way of doing that, look at Detroit that has been run by liberals for 60 years or so. Hope the people that want to leave can, here is that article I found this on;
Well, that's all from me tonight. I really hope that each of you have a great night or day, take care!
History Day! So I found a list of misconceptions that I wanted to write about, it was on Listverse and it is titled 10 Aspects of Colonial America Everyone Pictures Incorrectly. I love reading about or teaching people of misconceptions in life, guess I love to see peoples faces when I tell them that what they pictured didn't happen that way. I guess I'm a little cruel like that, seeing the joy lift from their eyes. But they have to know the truth, just like a little kid learning about Santa or a lot of things their mother tells them. I know, moms were just trying to keep us safe, the whole running with scissors thing is still relevant, you shouldn't do that. So, like the other ones I will pick a few to talk about. My favorite misconception to talk about is the Thanksgiving holiday here in America. And probably the biggest and easiest one is, they did not call themselves and nobody else called them Pilgrims. That name came a little later after their landing. This article says they were called Separatists, while they were called that by some in England they called themselves Saints. But, they did not make up the whole of the Mayflower, it was manned by many "strangers" or not Saints so the Saints needed to come up with something fast before they landed to help themselves out. The made a charter that is called the Mayflower Compact and had everyone sign it for when they landed. Of course things changed after a few years of the landing but all governments change. The next one is about the American Constitution being modeled after the Iroquois Confederacy's constitution. It's something people like to throw out there to think they sound smart but it isn't the case at all. Adams, Jefferson and the other Framers did not really read up on their constitution and what they did know of it they didn't like. Thinking theirs was too close to democracy, which is something the founders didn't want America to be because democracy is literally mob rule. They didn't want that and because they didn't want mob rule that is why we have the electoral college. Otherwise the big cities would make all the decisions and the Framers didn't want that to happen to the regular citizen. So, here is that top 10 list;
So this one will be a little short, just not much to talk about really. This happened in Cardiff, Wales where a 77 year old man was getting money out of an ATM when he was approached by a mugger who should have just stayed at his moms house. The older guy threw some good looking boxing punches at the would be mugger, looking like he had some training at some point in his life. He showed that the training never leaves you when confronted by an idiot. Here's to you good man, nice work! Here is that video;
I find this story pretty funny and I understand their desire to do this, only thing is it will take a lot to get this accomplished but I'm pulling for them. Also, if it doesn't happen we would be happy to have you in Missouri. Ok, conservative residents of Oregon have made a petition to leave the state of Oregon and join Idaho in, what is being referred to as, Greater Idaho. The residents say they would much prefer the conservative leadership of Idaho to the liberal hacks that are currently running the state into the ground. Liberals have a way of doing that, look at Detroit that has been run by liberals for 60 years or so. Hope the people that want to leave can, here is that article I found this on;
Well, that's all from me tonight. I really hope that each of you have a great night or day, take care!