Decent Day, How it Started, Murder By a Thousand Cuts
Hey there, I hope your day is going great so far! My day is alright, even though I've been a little upset about things. One of the bigger things that is ticking me off right now is how hard it is to find affordable housing in Columbia. You would think that a city this size would have better options for people on a fixed income. Of course I want to get off the fixed income wagon soon, just haven't found anything to take me off of it. This Solar job isn't the answer, it's something for now but I need to find something more stable. I'm still searching and applying to jobs out there but just haven't gotten one yet. Made it to the gym and did something I only do about once a week, work on my shoulders. I only work on them once a week because I get enough of a workout in the wheelchair that I don't really need to do as much in the gym. I'll be back there tomorrow again. I am actually not as tired today so maybe I'll write a little more than usual. Time to get into it!
Conspiracy Day! I am sure some of you have heard something about the conspiracy of how this new coronavirus started. Some people think that since there is a lab close to where the first people got sick with this is that they engineered it to be spread human-human, and also the lab is testing bats for different coronaviruses. This simply isn't true, the lab or the Chinese government did not start this ourbreak but it is a little worrying that China was very stand-offish for the first few days because we all know how secretive China can be at times. But the virus has been tested and it shows that this outbreak was from natural selection, not made in a lab, because there are certain markers that would show if it was made by a human. So hopefully that dispells any notion that China was trying to murder their own citizens, even though I don't put it past the nation of China to do such a thing. If you don't believe me, here is someone much smarter than I am talking about it;
This is just hilarious, the democrats going after each other on stage at the most recent debate in Las Vegas. The two most heated at the debate where Mayor Bloomberg and Bernie. I have nicknames for them both but I'll keep that to myself for right now. Bernie hates Bloomberg for being a billionaire and Bloomberg hates Bernie for being a socialist, just funny and I don't see how any American can take this party seriously right now. The democrats are going to tear each other apart and there won't be much left by the time November gets here. I'm sure President Trump is just sitting back and enjoying this all playing out. One of the funniest things was when Bernie, towards the end of the scuffle, tried to say that we should not talk about socialism but talk more about democratic socialism. Like Winston Churchill once said, "you can put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig". What I mean by that is you can call it whatever you want but that doesn't change the fact that it's still a failed economic system. If you try going to Google and type in democratic socialism you will find a lot of conflicting information but it is the same as the economic model of socialism, just by a different name. If you want you can call it communism, it's literally the same thing. It has failed in every country it was ever tried in, and don't try to talk to me about China and Vietnam, those countries changed their economic model decades ago to keep up with the rest of the world. But anyway, here is that article;
This is a little close to home for me but 10 people in the KC area are being monitored for the coronavirus. It's important to point out that not one person has shown any symptoms and they are being checked twice a day by health officials. It's still a little too close for me though, KC is about 2 hours away from me but I'm not too worried about it spreading from there, as long as the people stay in their homes and no outside person carries it on out with them. Because it can be carried without you knowing it for up to 14 days, at least that has been the trend so far. I gotta keep my faith in the medical professionals there, hope everything works out. Here is that article;
Well, that's it for me tonight. I really do hope that each of you have a wonderful night or day, take care!
Conspiracy Day! I am sure some of you have heard something about the conspiracy of how this new coronavirus started. Some people think that since there is a lab close to where the first people got sick with this is that they engineered it to be spread human-human, and also the lab is testing bats for different coronaviruses. This simply isn't true, the lab or the Chinese government did not start this ourbreak but it is a little worrying that China was very stand-offish for the first few days because we all know how secretive China can be at times. But the virus has been tested and it shows that this outbreak was from natural selection, not made in a lab, because there are certain markers that would show if it was made by a human. So hopefully that dispells any notion that China was trying to murder their own citizens, even though I don't put it past the nation of China to do such a thing. If you don't believe me, here is someone much smarter than I am talking about it;
This is just hilarious, the democrats going after each other on stage at the most recent debate in Las Vegas. The two most heated at the debate where Mayor Bloomberg and Bernie. I have nicknames for them both but I'll keep that to myself for right now. Bernie hates Bloomberg for being a billionaire and Bloomberg hates Bernie for being a socialist, just funny and I don't see how any American can take this party seriously right now. The democrats are going to tear each other apart and there won't be much left by the time November gets here. I'm sure President Trump is just sitting back and enjoying this all playing out. One of the funniest things was when Bernie, towards the end of the scuffle, tried to say that we should not talk about socialism but talk more about democratic socialism. Like Winston Churchill once said, "you can put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig". What I mean by that is you can call it whatever you want but that doesn't change the fact that it's still a failed economic system. If you try going to Google and type in democratic socialism you will find a lot of conflicting information but it is the same as the economic model of socialism, just by a different name. If you want you can call it communism, it's literally the same thing. It has failed in every country it was ever tried in, and don't try to talk to me about China and Vietnam, those countries changed their economic model decades ago to keep up with the rest of the world. But anyway, here is that article;
This is a little close to home for me but 10 people in the KC area are being monitored for the coronavirus. It's important to point out that not one person has shown any symptoms and they are being checked twice a day by health officials. It's still a little too close for me though, KC is about 2 hours away from me but I'm not too worried about it spreading from there, as long as the people stay in their homes and no outside person carries it on out with them. Because it can be carried without you knowing it for up to 14 days, at least that has been the trend so far. I gotta keep my faith in the medical professionals there, hope everything works out. Here is that article;
Well, that's it for me tonight. I really do hope that each of you have a wonderful night or day, take care!