Alright Day, Lots of Hearsay, They Promise the Moon, Some People, Might Need to Cancel
Hey there all, I hope you are doing great on this Thursday! My day wasn't too bad, I did make it out to the gym and had a good triceps workout. After that I did some stuff for the solar company but didn't make any leads. Plus most of the houses where I was canvassing had steps up to their front doors. I didn't do a whole lot after that, at least the weather was a little better today, I think the high was close to 49. That's really good for the end of February around here. Not sure why I'm so tired but I'm going to start so I can finish. Also before I start, there is a problem with the new Facebook and I am unable to get to my page on there, so if you normally read there I'm sorry but hopefully it works soon. I hate when Facebook does these updates, it never goes well for anyone. But here we go!
Conspiracy Day! Here is another list from that site Listverse about 8 Conspiracy Theories About Deadly Disease Outbreaks and I am going to talk about the ones that are more plausible. Most of us have heard about the conspiracy that the CIA created AIDS to dwindle down the black and homosexual population, I really do not believe that one. It's just a little too far out there for me to grasp onto, plus I just don't think the CIA is that evil, call me what you will on that. There are some that are more plausible though and I'll talk about them here. This is one conspiracy about Malaria, I'll be honest that I don't know much about malaria as it isn't common to my part of the world and I have never contracted it. I still don't think the conspiracy talked about here at number 7 is totally true but I think that it could be, that's why I will talk about it. That the Ghana Health Service said they were bringing in vaccines when it was thought that they were actually there to help bring the number of people down in Burundi. As we all know that people can be evil at times and this may have been one of those, now I'm not for sure exactly how many died from this malaria outbreak in Burundi at the time though. So who really knows. Swine flu or H1N1, as scientists like to call it, was a problem in the world just over 10 years ago back in 2009. A famous person, Billy Corgan who is a musician of some fame, decided that this outbreak was man-made in order to just scare the populace. At the time, the president of the United States was Barack Obama and he thought he had it out for people. Now I was not a follower of President Obama but I don't think he is that evil as to help engineer a disease and let it loose on the world to where it killed more than half a million people worldwide. I don't think he would do something that bad for everyone in the world. So here is that Listverse article;
Socialism, much like liberalism, likes to promise everything they can think of that will get them into power but hardly ever follow up on those promises. It sounds good, they want to give us free housing and free medical care but then you have to think, how are we going to pay for that, because nothing is free. Seattle has been the epicenter of this movement to see how it works, they were the first big city to raise their minimum wage to $15/hr. and that hasn't gone so good. Many people have been fired or let go and hours have been cut almost across the board. So, I hope Seattle fails really big but I pity those people that live there. Best thing for those that hate this is to move away to a better place. We'll take all you conservatives in Missouri. Well, here is that article about Seattle;
Wow, not going to say a lot about this but just wow. There are people out there that really don't pay attention and that's one of Americas biggest problems. Some people are confusing corona beer with the coronavirus. And now there are people saying they wouldn't buy corona beer because of the virus outbreak, probably thinking that it might spread the condition. Some people, you know. Here is an article on this;
This is something serious, the coronavirus is a serious thing affecting many aspects of daily life but it could effect something that only comes around for 4 years, the Olympic games. The games are being held next in Tokyo this year. The games are supposed to start on July 24th and I didn't notice in the article when they would know if the games needed to be canceled. There are 210 confirmed cases in Japan at this time but it has been spreading outside of China so it's something the world needs to keep an eye on. I have already heard about other sports events being canceled because of the virus so this is a possibility. The last time the Olympics were canceled was in 1944 because of the ongoing WWII. I think there is a big chance that the games will be canceled because why risk all those peoples health and lives. Not just the people competing but think of the people coming to watch, you have to think about them as well. Also, think of the billions of dollars already spent by cable companies or others that are wanting to put the shows on for the rest of the world. It's a crazy mess but you have to try to protect all those people. Here is an article on this;
Well, that's all for me tonight. I really do hope that all of you have a wonderful night or day, take care!
Conspiracy Day! Here is another list from that site Listverse about 8 Conspiracy Theories About Deadly Disease Outbreaks and I am going to talk about the ones that are more plausible. Most of us have heard about the conspiracy that the CIA created AIDS to dwindle down the black and homosexual population, I really do not believe that one. It's just a little too far out there for me to grasp onto, plus I just don't think the CIA is that evil, call me what you will on that. There are some that are more plausible though and I'll talk about them here. This is one conspiracy about Malaria, I'll be honest that I don't know much about malaria as it isn't common to my part of the world and I have never contracted it. I still don't think the conspiracy talked about here at number 7 is totally true but I think that it could be, that's why I will talk about it. That the Ghana Health Service said they were bringing in vaccines when it was thought that they were actually there to help bring the number of people down in Burundi. As we all know that people can be evil at times and this may have been one of those, now I'm not for sure exactly how many died from this malaria outbreak in Burundi at the time though. So who really knows. Swine flu or H1N1, as scientists like to call it, was a problem in the world just over 10 years ago back in 2009. A famous person, Billy Corgan who is a musician of some fame, decided that this outbreak was man-made in order to just scare the populace. At the time, the president of the United States was Barack Obama and he thought he had it out for people. Now I was not a follower of President Obama but I don't think he is that evil as to help engineer a disease and let it loose on the world to where it killed more than half a million people worldwide. I don't think he would do something that bad for everyone in the world. So here is that Listverse article;
Socialism, much like liberalism, likes to promise everything they can think of that will get them into power but hardly ever follow up on those promises. It sounds good, they want to give us free housing and free medical care but then you have to think, how are we going to pay for that, because nothing is free. Seattle has been the epicenter of this movement to see how it works, they were the first big city to raise their minimum wage to $15/hr. and that hasn't gone so good. Many people have been fired or let go and hours have been cut almost across the board. So, I hope Seattle fails really big but I pity those people that live there. Best thing for those that hate this is to move away to a better place. We'll take all you conservatives in Missouri. Well, here is that article about Seattle;
Wow, not going to say a lot about this but just wow. There are people out there that really don't pay attention and that's one of Americas biggest problems. Some people are confusing corona beer with the coronavirus. And now there are people saying they wouldn't buy corona beer because of the virus outbreak, probably thinking that it might spread the condition. Some people, you know. Here is an article on this;
This is something serious, the coronavirus is a serious thing affecting many aspects of daily life but it could effect something that only comes around for 4 years, the Olympic games. The games are being held next in Tokyo this year. The games are supposed to start on July 24th and I didn't notice in the article when they would know if the games needed to be canceled. There are 210 confirmed cases in Japan at this time but it has been spreading outside of China so it's something the world needs to keep an eye on. I have already heard about other sports events being canceled because of the virus so this is a possibility. The last time the Olympics were canceled was in 1944 because of the ongoing WWII. I think there is a big chance that the games will be canceled because why risk all those peoples health and lives. Not just the people competing but think of the people coming to watch, you have to think about them as well. Also, think of the billions of dollars already spent by cable companies or others that are wanting to put the shows on for the rest of the world. It's a crazy mess but you have to try to protect all those people. Here is an article on this;
Well, that's all for me tonight. I really do hope that all of you have a wonderful night or day, take care!