Don't Really Believe It

Saturday post!  I found something I wanted to write about today.  This is something I found on the site Listverse.  It is something I have never been a fan of in any sort of medium but it can be done really well.  It's not cause this creeps me out or anything, takes a lot more to do that to me, but I just never believed it was possible based on a lot of things.  Even though I viewed this as science fiction, there have been a few things from science fiction that have come to light in our world such as tablets and the internet.  But I always thought this was a little far fetched.  It has to deal with zombies, I guess just too far for me.  In some ways it isn't that far from reality because like a professor that is noted in this list talks about, to achieve a zombie like state you would need to remove or shutdown the frontal lobe of the brain and we would resort back to our more basic selves.  And I think he is right but I am not aware of anything out there that attacks our frontal lobe, at least nothing that we cannot combat with medicine or other therapies.  I also think it would need to affect our central nervous system to take full control of the human body.  They do list one disease that humans can get that might create a zombie like scare, rabies, but of course this disease would need to be altered a whole lot to cause mass damage and need to be resistant to antibiotics and have to spread fast.  Now I am not going to talk about "voodoo", or hoodoo as it is called in Haiti, because I don't really believe it but it doesn't mean that I am right in thinking that, it very well could work but I just haven't been exposed to this.  You can read about it in the list. 

Now, even though I don't think a "zombie" threat exists, doesn't mean it has not already happened in our history.  One disease that could be considered almost a zombie like condition would be the fabled Black Death of Europe which probably killed up to 100 million people.  That was really bad but then we had something happened just over 100 years ago, the Spanish Flu of 1918.  I have already written about how the flu did not start in Spain but the name stuck.  But the people infected with this disease were almost zombie like and it is still really unknown that much after 100 years of research.  We still don't really know that much about the flu now and the best thing we have for it is a "vaccine" that infects the patient with the flu to try to build an immune response if it happens again.  Crazy, I know, I cannot get one of these because a side effect of the flu is Guillan-Barre Syndrome which is a condition I already have.  Food for thought.  Here is that list about a zombie apocalypse;


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