Good Day, New Project, Update on Crazy Person, Bad Kids, Batman Could Move Over
Hey there everyone, hope your weekend was great and you are ready for the week ahead! My day has been pretty good. I had a good workout, mostly focusing on my biceps but of course other things were mixed in to make it a more full arm workout. I even did a little bit of a back workout. I had a meeting with Vocational Rehabilitation today and it went really good, they will help me find a job. One of the jobs that she talked about was at the 911 call center, which I think I'd be pretty good at. But hopefully they can help me with some stuff, I'll let you all know. So I'm going to start doing things a little different starting with this post, I'm going to make each section a little smaller than I normally do to make things go faster. So, I guess I should get to it!
Star Wars Day! If you are a Star Wars fan then you probably have heard of Project Luminous but do you really know what it's about? Not too many people have all the answers to this puzzle but it is going to have something to do with Lucasfilm publishing, so some books and comics but I guess not films or Disney+ shows. It will also talk a lot about the force and how it works, from the leaks I have heard so far. The books might lead into a plot in an upcoming movie or a comic might do that, so it is something to prepare for. The books have always been a great addition to the movies, telling stories that were not told on the big screen but hopefully we see something that has to do with those books in the movies, at least a mention. So here is that article about Project Luminous;
An update on something I wrote a while ago, about the guy that believed that the Earth was flat and wanted to prove it. His name was "Mad" Mike Hughes and he said he would be able to "prove" that the Earth was flat by flying a rocket up high enough. Of course I know that the Earth is not flat so I thought this was completely idiotic. Sucks that he died trying to prove something that he really believed in, that is commendable but I never thought this would work. Here is a small video about it;
This story is horrible and shows how bad some parents have gotten with their children, this family runs in the exact opposite way a family should run. It is a story about a kid that plays video games for 17 hours a day and terrorizes his parents and the whole house. This kid never was shown who was boss, this kid needs his ass kicked. He needs the fear of God put into him, that's the problem with children nowadays. Plus, just looking at the kid he is very unhealthy and is going to have some serious health problems if something isn't done soon. I don't agree with Dr. Phil very much but I think he is right here, his parents are enabling this problem, the parents caused this. Here is the short article;
There is a rumor that's running around the net but it seems to be real about DC Comics. AT&T, which owns DC Comics, has said that if their 5G event fails then the publishing arm of DC Comics will be shut down. So I guess that would mean no more DC comics but maybe there will still be some digital comic stuff. I know a lot of people who would not take this well as they are huge DC fans. It doesn't mean that they will sell off their characters like Superman or Batman, as those two characters are such cash cows when it comes to things like toys and movies. But I have heard a few distant rumors that DC could be sold off from AT&T and Marvel could purchase the whole pie of DC Comics. Think how crazy that would be to see Kevin Feige making a Batman movie, that would be so great but also a little strange at first. This is still early days on this bit of news so I will watch it and see if it changes at anytime. Here is an article;
That's all for me tonight. I really do hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care!
Star Wars Day! If you are a Star Wars fan then you probably have heard of Project Luminous but do you really know what it's about? Not too many people have all the answers to this puzzle but it is going to have something to do with Lucasfilm publishing, so some books and comics but I guess not films or Disney+ shows. It will also talk a lot about the force and how it works, from the leaks I have heard so far. The books might lead into a plot in an upcoming movie or a comic might do that, so it is something to prepare for. The books have always been a great addition to the movies, telling stories that were not told on the big screen but hopefully we see something that has to do with those books in the movies, at least a mention. So here is that article about Project Luminous;
An update on something I wrote a while ago, about the guy that believed that the Earth was flat and wanted to prove it. His name was "Mad" Mike Hughes and he said he would be able to "prove" that the Earth was flat by flying a rocket up high enough. Of course I know that the Earth is not flat so I thought this was completely idiotic. Sucks that he died trying to prove something that he really believed in, that is commendable but I never thought this would work. Here is a small video about it;
This story is horrible and shows how bad some parents have gotten with their children, this family runs in the exact opposite way a family should run. It is a story about a kid that plays video games for 17 hours a day and terrorizes his parents and the whole house. This kid never was shown who was boss, this kid needs his ass kicked. He needs the fear of God put into him, that's the problem with children nowadays. Plus, just looking at the kid he is very unhealthy and is going to have some serious health problems if something isn't done soon. I don't agree with Dr. Phil very much but I think he is right here, his parents are enabling this problem, the parents caused this. Here is the short article;
There is a rumor that's running around the net but it seems to be real about DC Comics. AT&T, which owns DC Comics, has said that if their 5G event fails then the publishing arm of DC Comics will be shut down. So I guess that would mean no more DC comics but maybe there will still be some digital comic stuff. I know a lot of people who would not take this well as they are huge DC fans. It doesn't mean that they will sell off their characters like Superman or Batman, as those two characters are such cash cows when it comes to things like toys and movies. But I have heard a few distant rumors that DC could be sold off from AT&T and Marvel could purchase the whole pie of DC Comics. Think how crazy that would be to see Kevin Feige making a Batman movie, that would be so great but also a little strange at first. This is still early days on this bit of news so I will watch it and see if it changes at anytime. Here is an article;
That's all for me tonight. I really do hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care!