
Showing posts from February, 2019

Alright Day, Hatred, PR Stumbles, New Drugs

Problem Day, Marvel News Day!, Bad Car Accident, Promise to Be Back Tomorrow and Will Write More

I am Home!

Getting Out, Good Star Wars Theory, Dream Job, Robert Kelly, What a Liar

Health Update, Mueller Probe, Selling States, Artist Stays in Jail

Another Health Update

Back in the hospital, another UTI

End of the Week, Emergency Needed?, No Problems, No Amazon, Jussie Update, MCU and Star Wars Thoughts

Single Awareness Day, Vikings Stayed?, Run Out of New York, Stupid People

OK Day, Who Needs to Join the MCU, Best Cities to Work

Not Doing It, Pizza Origins, Creepy Dad, Heartbreaking Article, American Justice

Happy Monday, Many Rumors, New Emojis, Really Loves a Burger, People I Don't Like

More Cold, Shaft Trailer, New Football League

Icy Day, Good Video, Great Letter, No Vaccines, Problems in Virginia

Alright Day, Marvel Not Truthful, SOTU Speech

Short Post, Famous People Suffering, SOTU Address

Crazy Day, What's Next?, Smoking Ban, What If

Sunday Post, Justice League Plans, Super Bowl

Good Day, New Trailer, Punisher Season 2 Review, New Batman, Coming Company