Restful Day, Star Wars Rumor, Easy to Get to Places, Bad California

Hey there everyone, I hope you all are great!  So my day, it has been good, I just stayed home and did some stuff around home, I did not drive anywhere so it was a good restful day.  My ribs are feeling better today but they still feel like they are still bruised pretty bad but some of the other pain has kind of went away.  My hip was bothering me earlier this morning and that may be because of sleeping on my back, sometimes that happens.  I talked with mom today and did some looking up about what we are voting on tomorrow and in November and they are trying to get crazy with putting medical marijuana on the ballot in November.  There are three different ballot measures they want us to vote on in Missouri, I am sure that will confuse a lot of people.  From what I noticed the bills differ in the amount that is taxed, from 2%, 5% and 15%.  The vote we have tomorrow is Prop A, the one considering Right to Work.  Plus tomorrow we vote for primary, basically who will run in November against the incumbents and to weed out some of them.  Anyway, let me get into this!

Star Wars Day!  So, here is a Star Wars rumor, one that is too early to really confirm it but I would like to talk about it.  Some of you might know that Jon Favreau was given control of a trilogy that is to be set after Return of the Jedi.  Now there is a rumor that this will be about the regrowth of Mandalore and I for one like that this is what it could be about.  I would love to see how Mandalore is rebuilt after the fall of the Empire.  Mandalorians are some of the coolest characters from the Star Wars galaxy.  Plus, the armor and armaments that Mandalorians use is really cool, Boba Fett wore the Mandalorian outfit when he was a bounty hunter.  Not sure who the actual characters are or will be but it will be exciting to see what direction Lucasfilm goes in with regards with to Jon Faveau and the future of this franchise.

One thing I would like to talk about is accessible places across the world, not just in America.  I looked at a few different websites to figure this out and it seems that there are a lot of people that are disabled that have traveled far and wide.  The most surprising city that is very accessible over in Europe to me is Rome, it was listed on here to say how easy it is to get around.  Rome is one of the oldest continued cities in the world so it is a little hard for me to believe that it is that accessible, guess I will have to go to see for myself, I would love to be able to do that at some point.  Anyway, Rome, as I always thought, was filled with ruins of the ancient city and would be very difficult to get around for someone in a wheelchair.  Hopefully one day I will see the city.  Some cities were not as surprising, such as Singapore or Dubai, which are concrete jungles basically.  Especially if you look at how densely populated Singapore is then you understand but also those two cities have great public transportation for people that can not get around as well as others.  One of the most asseccible cities in the United States is a city I do not care to ever visit, Washington D.C., I don't want to go there because that place has the highest level of idiots anywhere in the world, all those dumb politicians are not people I want to be around.  Anyway, there are great travel people out there that love to travel and have limited mobility and put lists out like this to help out other people.  That's great, thank you all.

I came across an interesting article about San Francisco being too expensive to live in.  The article is about tech workers that work in all the different tech companies of the area, like Google, Apple and Oracle.  This is a very fact based article so I will not talk a whole lot about it and will let you read the article and let you make up your own mind.  One thing I do want to mention is that because the cost of living has been going up so much, so fast in San Francisco that they are seeing the largest amount of people leaving California they have ever seen.  I went to a website to compare the two cities of Columbia, Missouri and San Francisco, California and the results were not totally surprising but the level was a little surprising.  I will add that one too.  It will be the second link that I will add.  One of the biggest data points in that second website is that it is 192.5% more expensive to live in San Francisco than in Columbia, MO.  I figured it would be quite a bit more expensive but that was way more than I thought.  Anyway, here is that first article;  Here is the second one, enjoy;

Well, that is it for me tonight.  I really hope that all of you have an astounding day or night, take care!


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