Ok Day, Fried Watermelon, Water Issue, Invasions of the Lizards From the South

Hey everyone, hope your Friday is going well.  My day was ok, didn't do anything major today.  I did go to a conference that was put on by Daymond John, if you do not know that name I will go into who he is.  The conference was put on to teach people how to be successful in business but of course they don't really discuss any big things for free, that is why they try to get you to sign up for another course that is a few weeks later in St. Louis.  My cousin wanted me to go with him to this one today and he signed up for the other one, said he would pay for all of it.  Anyway, Daymond John is one of the Sharks on Shark Tank and is the founder of FUBU, a clothing line.  He is a very successful person and likes to be able to spread that knowledge around.  It was a good conference and I learned a few things, I always like to learn something.  So anyway, let's get to it!

I have been talking about this since I was about 15, when I tried this.  People have always told me I was crazy and that you cannot grill a watermelon.  A black man my father worked with would always put some watermelon on the grill.  And now I have proof of this, an article from Foodbeast I would like to share with you.  Now the way the one in the article was prepared is a lot different from what I remember from my youth.  It is so juicy when it is grilled and has a surprising taste that you cannot find anywhere else from any other item on the menu.  Here is that article, have fun; https://www.foodbeast.com/news/ducks-eatery-watermelon-steak/

So Tuesday there is a vote here in Columbia and the big item that is to be voted on is about putting forth a water issue to upgrade the water treatment plant and upgrade some other areas.  The price tag for all this is about $42 million and of course this would come from tax payers.  But I understand why they need the money for the repairs and I will probably vote yes for it, coming up.

Just for the people living in Florida, always stuff going on down there.  There is soon to be a breakout of lizards that are not native to Florida called the Tegu Lizard.  This beasts are found in South America but there were some stupid people that brought them over as pets and now that have grown too large to care for so the owners just sent them out the window.  Scientist say that there could be a huge number of them after they get out of Florida that stretches from Texas to South Carolina.  I really do not like these people that think they can own a pet like that and when it gets too big for them they do not do the smart thing and call the officials at a local zoo or animal control, they just throw them out the window and figure they will let someone else deal with it.  These people should be tried for threatening the lives of the community.  Get them off the street.  Here is an article on the matter; https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-lizards/invasion-of-big-voracious-lizards-threatens-us-south-study-idUSKBN1KO1AF

Well, that is it for me tonight.  I hope all of you have a great day or night, take care!


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