Restful Day, Not Enough Money, Dumb Californians, Senseless Violence in Chicago
Hey there everyone, hope you are doing great! My day has went pretty good, I seen my pain guy today and got my refills on my pain meds but I will not be able to fill until the 24th, no problem there. Didn't do any driving for Uber today, just stayed home and rested today. I tried to take a nap but was not able to get to sleep but that was fine, I got some rest in. Think I will go to the gym tomorrow, need to get back in there, been awhile. Anyway, let me get into it!
History Day! Here is a good story about a very important person in history, Julius Caesar. In 75 B.C. he was captured by some pirates that ran around the Adriatic and Mediterranean. So anyway, these guys grab Caesar and when Caesar finds out how much that have asked for in ransom got really mad that it was so low and realized that they did not really know who he was. The pirates had at first asked for 20 talents of silver and Caesar was embarrased by this so he demanded that they ask for 50 talents. Also, Caesar was not going to act like a normal person being kidnapped so he spent his time with them bossing them around, reading them poetry and getting mad when they couldn't see how great it was. After about 38 days the ransom was paid. In captivity Caesar would tell the pirates that he would have them crucified, they thought he was just crazy. After release, Caesar would raise an army and went after the pirates and crucified them, that was a common way to deal with criminals.
Some people are so stupid and this video proves it, that I will share later. I know what some will say, this was done by Fox News but I think it says a lot. Now there were two people who really knew what socialism was and they gave good responses but the rest were just idiots, that is California in a nutshell. It was a Fox News lady that went to the streets to ask them about socialism and what it meant. One guy was asked about it and said it had worked in "other places before" but he could not name anywhere that it worked, that is because it never has worked anywhere. So I thought this was hilarious and wanted to share it. Here is that video;
Something needs to be done about the violence in Chicago, last weekend 58 people where shot. This is mostly just gang violence or people or even kids getting caught in the crossfire, which is really sad. I have no clue or answer to the senseless shootings there but if you want to see what gang wars are then look no further. Something should be done and it might need to be something drastic like sending in the National Guard to put the city under marshal law. One of the saddest stories is that a 3 year old kid was wounded in the shootings. Please stop this or something real serious will be done, this cannot go on. Since this is black on black crime, it is not reported far enough, this should be the front on every newspaper, tv news program or talk radio. I feel for those people living in Chicago. Here is the article I read;
Well, that is it for me tonight. I really hope you all have a great night or day, take care!
History Day! Here is a good story about a very important person in history, Julius Caesar. In 75 B.C. he was captured by some pirates that ran around the Adriatic and Mediterranean. So anyway, these guys grab Caesar and when Caesar finds out how much that have asked for in ransom got really mad that it was so low and realized that they did not really know who he was. The pirates had at first asked for 20 talents of silver and Caesar was embarrased by this so he demanded that they ask for 50 talents. Also, Caesar was not going to act like a normal person being kidnapped so he spent his time with them bossing them around, reading them poetry and getting mad when they couldn't see how great it was. After about 38 days the ransom was paid. In captivity Caesar would tell the pirates that he would have them crucified, they thought he was just crazy. After release, Caesar would raise an army and went after the pirates and crucified them, that was a common way to deal with criminals.
Some people are so stupid and this video proves it, that I will share later. I know what some will say, this was done by Fox News but I think it says a lot. Now there were two people who really knew what socialism was and they gave good responses but the rest were just idiots, that is California in a nutshell. It was a Fox News lady that went to the streets to ask them about socialism and what it meant. One guy was asked about it and said it had worked in "other places before" but he could not name anywhere that it worked, that is because it never has worked anywhere. So I thought this was hilarious and wanted to share it. Here is that video;
Something needs to be done about the violence in Chicago, last weekend 58 people where shot. This is mostly just gang violence or people or even kids getting caught in the crossfire, which is really sad. I have no clue or answer to the senseless shootings there but if you want to see what gang wars are then look no further. Something should be done and it might need to be something drastic like sending in the National Guard to put the city under marshal law. One of the saddest stories is that a 3 year old kid was wounded in the shootings. Please stop this or something real serious will be done, this cannot go on. Since this is black on black crime, it is not reported far enough, this should be the front on every newspaper, tv news program or talk radio. I feel for those people living in Chicago. Here is the article I read;
Well, that is it for me tonight. I really hope you all have a great night or day, take care!