Hey everyone, I am back for tonight.  I hope all reading this are doing well.  My day has been sort of a mixed bag.  It had started off alright,  I slept really pretty good last night, even though it got really cold here.  I woke up with a severally stuffed up nose and a dry mouth but I felt very refreshed, something I have not felt in quite a while.  I haven't even yawned at all today even though most days I am yawning a lot for the first few hours after waking up.  My pain even started off not too bad but around 3 or 4 it started flaring up real good.  I see my pain doc in 1 week, next Friday and I have quite a few things to talk with him about.  I write down what I should talk with my doctor about and this time I have four things I want to see what he thinks about.  First is my willingness to participate in clinical trials for any new pain meds.  The second is about a new pain drug I just found out about called ziconotide.  Not really sure about it's effectiveness but thought I would give it a shot, from what I have read about it says that it is not an opioid but provides relief for chronic pain.  Next is a pain drug pump, which is a small device that is put into your body and pumps pain medicine to a certain part of your spinal column in set intervals that are set by your doctor.  I have heard really good things and then really bad things about this so I would like to see what my doctor thinks of them.  Last one is roxicets, a friend of mine told me about those and thought it was worth a shot.  I am sure I will research more to talk with him about before the appointment.  Just hope we come up with some answers.  If any of you can think of anything then please let me know and I will bring it up with the doctor.

Well, that is all for tonight, feeling kinda tired right now.  Probably will lay in bed for awhile before going to sleep.  I hope you all have a great day or night, take care.


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