Eye stitching, Avengers Infinity War, Dr. Doom Speculation

So, today has been a lot like yesterday, pretty bad pain day.  I would rate it at about a 9 or so.  The lowest I think I have been since getting into the chair is probably a 4 or 5, the highest I have been is way more than 10.  Like the time I got my left eye stitched, when I returned to Rusk they asked me what my pain level was on a scale of 0-10 and I told the lady that my pain is way off of that scale.  At that time it was probably in the 20s.  So to combat that I was given a lot of morphine, which made everything alright in the world, for a little bit.  Morphine is an amazing drug and can really help you forget about your pain, love it.  For that little procedure I was given an eye patch, that makes you at least 6 times more manly, plus I liked the way I looked with it on.  It was pretty cool because since I had the left eye stitched shut and did not use it, I had more than 20/20 vision in my right eye and plus I could see more out of my periphery.  I would not suggest having this done unless for a good reason, even though having an eye patch is cool.  That stayed fully stitched for about 20 days, the doctors took out all the stitches except for one, which I was told was doing more good than harm.  I think my eyesight was slightly worse in my left eye because of this.  Now, on December 1st I am getting that last stitch taken out.  It is a small procedure so I am sure it will go alright, I have to get a driver though to and from the hospital.  So I have that going for me.

Not much in nerd news today, yesterday I covered a lot in a short few sentences.  One thing that has come out in the last few days is a photo from the Russo brothers, who are directing Avengers Infinity War, which will come out in 2018.  Now this photo was put online and taken down pretty quick, I believe it was a scouting photo, but it is pretty intriguing.  I will show the photo soon but I will describe it as looking like it was taken at the front of some older structure like a castle.  This has a lot of people speculating that it could be a reference to Doctor Doom coming over to Marvel, which would also mean that the Fantastic Four are coming as well.  That would be great.  I want to see a good Fantastic Four movie before I die, I think I may have said that already, but that is very true for me.  That photo is below.

Well, I guess this is all for me, if you all ever want me to talk about something then just leave a comment and I will get to it in my next post.  Anyway, have a good night or day everyone, take care.


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