
Showing posts from August, 2018

Job Hunting, Looking Ahead, Clarify From Yesterday

Lazy Day, Another MCU Rumor, Absurd Florida

Feedback Please, The Great Emu War, Fake Tears

Good Monday, Star Wars Hopes, Shooting Over Video Game, Problems Legalizing Weed

Change Day, MCU Rumors, Illegal Immigrant Murderer

Restful Day, Not Enough Money, Dumb Californians, Senseless Violence in Chicago

Good Monday, Not Good Star Wars, Crazy Venezuela, The Most Fucks in a Movie

Trying to Get Things Done, Bad Walmart, Stupid News

Nice Day, Don't Call Them Mormons

Alright Day, Marvel Rumor, Conspiracy Theories Pt. 2

Good Day, No History Today, Conspiracy Theories Pt. 1, Stupid Judge in New Mexico

Good Day, Star Wars Rumor Time, Wildfires are Who's Fault?

Good Day, Free Food, All MCU Flims At Once

Boring Day, Sony Universe, Bringing in the Big Guns, Stupid Socialist

Good Day, Vietnam War Talk, Horrible People

Restful Day, Star Wars Rumor, Easy to Get to Places, Bad California

Ok Day, Fried Watermelon, Water Issue, Invasions of the Lizards From the South

Good Day, $1 Trillion Company

Good Day, Flat Tires, Losing People, Losing the Man, Losing Our Damn Minds