Hi there everyone, I hope you all are doing well.  I do not have as much to talk about tonight but I definitely wanted to check in.  So today has been an ok pain day, around a 7.5 but it has surged up to a 10 at a few times.  My left foot has been hurting a lot, not sure what that is about.  As long as I do not stand on it very much then I am alright.  My back has been hurting today quite a bit but that is where all my pain centers at from my Scheuermanns.  I have been having some trouble lately when I use a catheter, my prostate has been getting in the way a lot lately.  I will need to call my urologist tomorrow to see what needs to be done.  Probably will not be much of a problem.

Well, I am pretty tired and will be getting ready for bed soon.  I hope all of you have a great day or night, take care!

PS.- I will be back tomorrow to write more for you.  Thank you


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