Another good day, SJW idiots, Chicago violence

Hey all, I'm back.  This will be a shorter post but I did want to check in with you all.  My day today has been pretty good, except for the fact that I did not get much work done on my book but am saving up for doing more tomorrow, just like tomorrow I will come back here and write more for you guys tomorrow evening.  Pain wise, my day has been good also.  I have not had any problems really.  My left hip and leg were hurting some but it did not last for long.  Now tomorrow it might last most of the day, that happens sometimes.  So, on to what I want to talk about.

I consider myself to be a patriotic American, maybe I have a little bit of a nationalism streak in me, but I do not think that is a bad thing.  Unfortunately there are people in our country that do look at this as a bad thing.  If any of you have read any articles or something from some of these so called Social Justice Warriors like Steven W. Thrasher, then you are aware that there are some people that think that this country is broken and needs to burn.  Most of these SJW people do not like this country at all.  What I say to them is this, if you don't like it then you can leave, go to what ever other country you want, hell if you think Cuba is so great then why not go there.  These people all think that the problem with terrorism that originates from Arabs in the Middle East is that we don't talk to them enough like humans, then why don't they go and try to live in Iraq or Iran, see how long that works for you.  Just being from the west in those countries is enough to get you beaten, thrown in prison or just killed.  Let's see how well you can talk with them.

So, because of what I wrote just above, I do think we need to be a tad bit more isolationist.  In the fact that I think we should bring most of our troops back to our borders, secure our borders and take care of the problems we have first before we care about what is happening in other countries.  I do not believe that we should not involve ourselves in any foreign matters but I also think we should first worry about what is going on in our own backyard first.  What is happening in the formerly great American city of Chicago is horrible and needs to be fixed because Illinois is going bankrupt very soon.  As President Donald Trump has stated before, if the problems in Chicago do not get fixed soon that the feds will be sent in.  I think he should do that because there is so much violence in that city it is starting to look like a Central American country.  I say that because Honduras and Guatemala are two of the most deadly countries in the world.  There is a huge card show coming up in July that is in Chicago but I am definitely not going because of the violence there.  And I am sure I am not an isolated case.

Well, that is all I have for you tonight, I know it is a little more than I thought, just got on a rant about a few things.  Some stuff I wanted to say but I try not to use that kind of language on here.  I hope all of you have a great day or night, take care!


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