Ok day, death threats

Hi everyone, I am here tonight.  So, my day has not been too bad today, just a little annoying at times.  Like when I went to go start my van to go give my friend a jump, my battery decides not to work.  The funny thing is that I was going to help a friend who had battery issues.  I guess it is just a bad day for batteries.  Oh well, things will still be alright.  Did not do a whole lot today, I did do some work on my book, not enough, but some work.  I wanted to write more information on one of my conditions because this is one that not many people know about, Scheuermann's.  I have talked about it a few times on here but I will do it again.  Scheuermann's is a spinal condition that you are born with where the spine does not form the correct way.  It is a sometimes severe curvature of the thoracic area, mine is a very severe curvature.  One of the biggest things that is noticeable about this disease is that the person suffering from this cannot correct their posture, it is actually the most painful to try to do that.  I was diagnosed with this at 17, so I was at the tail end of my growth rate because usually this condition can be fixed with just a back brace, I was not able to use one because it was too late to fix it.  For me it is the source of most of my pain and when I do try to straighten up my posture it can spike my pain up to a 10 sometimes.  Not a lot of fun.  Lastly, my pain levels, it has not been so bad today but I'd say I have stayed around a 7.5, it has gotten up to a 10 a few times though.  My right leg was killing me after I woke up and when I tried to stand to transfer, I was floored by how much pain was going through my right leg.  It feels much better now, took about 5 hours to go away.  I did not sleep too well last night though.

I really do not have much to talk about tonight.  One thing I am not sure if you caught it because the mainstream media loves Hollywood and all of the actors and actresses and they don't want to make them look bad.  Johnny Depp was over in England somewhere and made a joke about President Trump.  The joke was something to do with, I am paraphrasing here, 'it has been awhile since the president was murdered by an actor'.  I think he was going to say something about that it is time for that to happen again.  I do not care who you think you are, who the president is or what but you don't joke about that kind of stuff.  I hope he gets in some real hot water over that.  No matter who the president is we hope he does good for the country, I could care less what happens to them personally, I just want the country to prosper.

Well, that is all I have for tonight.  I hope you all have a great night or day, take care!


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