Decent day, immigration stuff

Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing great.  I do not have a lot to talk about tonight but will have something after this first part.  My day has been pretty good, pain wise it has stayed right around a 7, only spiking up to a 9 a few times.  My back is feeling good but everything else of course still gives me trouble.  Especially my hands and fingers, my wrists do feel pretty bad most of the day.  Most of that comes from pushing my wheelchair.  Maybe I should take a whole day off and just stay in bed, then see how my hands feel.  Probably really good but I do not think that's a way to live your life, by staying in bed all the time.  I did have a doctor appointment today to see why I have been having trouble with my prostate, it seems to be getting larger at times when using a catheter.  Everything looked good but he wants me to start using a different type of catheter that has a small angle at the tip so it does not push against the back of the bladder.  It is supposed to help so I will try it out.

So, the big news lately has to do again with the travel ban that President Trump signed a little while back but the supreme court wanted to get in on it.  I have not read up about it a whole lot or seen what was ok and what was not.  I just wanted to talk a little bit about the immigration history of America.  Most people think this country is just made up of people from other places, which to a big extent it is but after just a few generations most people become Americans and no longer Italians or Chinese or Spainish.  That is one reason why I hate the term Asian-American or African-American, you are either Asian or you are American, not both.  I am an American, not anything else.  In the later 19th century we started to limit the amount of immigration to the country and in the 1920's we really limited immigration because we wanted the people coming here to assimilate into the American culture and the way we do things here.  A literary test was given to people that were trying to come over here and that did weed out some bad ones that could not even spell their own name.  Some say that this was to stop immigration from places like Asia or Russia, but they were a little racist back then.  In 1939, after Germany started WWII, a boat called the MS St. Louis arrived off coast in Florida, this ship was full of Jewish people trying to get away from Hitler, and was not allowed access because Franklin D. Roosevelt thought there could be a few spies on the boat.  FDR is supposed to be a hero to the democratic party and he turned thousands of people away because there may have been a few bad seeds, does this sound like something happening now?  Yes, so I do not think this travel ban is a bad thing at all and we need it here to protect this great country.

Well, that is all for tonight.  I hope all of you have a great night or day, take care!


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