Dreary day, "healthcare" bills
Hello everyone, I am here. Well, today has been a pretty bland day because of the weather outside. It has actually been fairly cool compared to what it normally is at the end of June in Missouri. It rained today, just off and on again, and I am sure it will be foggy in the morning. One thing is that it has been pretty humid here for some reason, the sun never came out from behind the clouds today, I do not think the temperature has risen much over 75. Which is not bad but for me it causes all kinds of little new pains. I guess I had slept on my left side wrong because I woke up and my left hip is killing me, it is hard to stand up. So I am not sure how I should sleep, since getting in the chair I have not been able to sleep on my stomach, sleeping on my right and left side seems to cause new pains and I don't like sleeping on my back because I get flashbacks from when I was on the vent and it can be uncomfortable if I lay on it too long. The flashbacks do not always happen but I am just not a fan of when they do. So I guess tonight I need to figure out a different way to sleep, wish me luck. All in all, my pain level today was around a 7.5.
I do not have a lot to talk about, I actually tried to do some research for what to talk about today, to no avail, so I will do as I usually do and just talk off the top of my head. One of the big news story out now is about the republican healthcare bill. I really wish that they would stop calling it that because this bill, much like "Obamacare", is that these two bills are not healthcare but bills that try to figure out insurance. I guess what people need is a lesson on what healthcare is and what insurance is. Let me start with insurance since it is the simpler one. The easiest definition of insurance is, according to Merriam-Webster, the business of insuring persons or property. The definition of healthcare, again by Merriam-Webster, is the prevention or treatment of illness by doctors, dentists, psychologists, etc. That is pretty self explanatory, I think, but people are getting this all wrong. This bill and the previous bill, which I will refer to by it's real name, the ACA, will not decide any medical procedures, no medical practices but does work on the business of how those things are taken care of financially. So all this talk about death panels and those thoughts need not enter your head when thinking of these bills. Now, I am not a fan of the ACA, nor am I a fan of this new bill but I am not totally sure what the answer is but I do intend to stay informed so I can find out what is happening. Which is something I suggest that every person does, no matter the issue.
Well, that is all for tonight, I am really tired. I hope each and every one of you has a great day or night, take care.
I do not have a lot to talk about, I actually tried to do some research for what to talk about today, to no avail, so I will do as I usually do and just talk off the top of my head. One of the big news story out now is about the republican healthcare bill. I really wish that they would stop calling it that because this bill, much like "Obamacare", is that these two bills are not healthcare but bills that try to figure out insurance. I guess what people need is a lesson on what healthcare is and what insurance is. Let me start with insurance since it is the simpler one. The easiest definition of insurance is, according to Merriam-Webster, the business of insuring persons or property. The definition of healthcare, again by Merriam-Webster, is the prevention or treatment of illness by doctors, dentists, psychologists, etc. That is pretty self explanatory, I think, but people are getting this all wrong. This bill and the previous bill, which I will refer to by it's real name, the ACA, will not decide any medical procedures, no medical practices but does work on the business of how those things are taken care of financially. So all this talk about death panels and those thoughts need not enter your head when thinking of these bills. Now, I am not a fan of the ACA, nor am I a fan of this new bill but I am not totally sure what the answer is but I do intend to stay informed so I can find out what is happening. Which is something I suggest that every person does, no matter the issue.
Well, that is all for tonight, I am really tired. I hope each and every one of you has a great day or night, take care.