Hey everyone, I am back after a few days off.  So I hope you all are doing great today, I am not doing terrible, which for me is pretty good.  My day has not been too bad, I went to the gym for the first time in a long time.  My body felt good while I was lifting weights and moving around, it was a few hours after that my body started to hurt.  Not a lot I can do about that, I am out of oxycodone until this coming Friday so I just have to try and stretch to feel better, which does not work all that well as a pain treatment.  Stretching is one of those things that help in the moment but afterwards it feels like you have not done anything to help yourself.  I see my new pain doc on the 12th of this month and hopefully he will understand what I am going through and help me.  I am sure there are a lot of things I will have to explain that are not in my medical records but that is normal when dealing with a new doctor.  Wish me luck through this week!

I had read an article yesterday that sort of made me upset.  It was about this female blogger that wrote about her 5 year anniversary of being celibate, which was her choice.  I found it made me a little angry by the end of the article mostly because she tries to celebrate this achievement by saying how great she feels about herself.  Now I am always happy for people that find happiness inside themselves but for me I have been celibate for going on 13 years in July and not by choice like this young woman has done.  So I am a little confused about how reading this article made me feel because on one hand I like people that have found something they like but on the other it makes light of what I perceive to be a big problem in my life.   So right now, as of writing this post, I am up in the air about it.  Maybe something more concrete for me later on.

Well, I am pretty tired and wore out from today so I am ending this a little early.  I hope everyone reading this has a great night or day, take care.


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