Sorry, took a little break from writing.  I hope you all are doing great.  So I hope to write more today and I am starting earlier but finishing up at around the same time.  I am not doing too bad, at least pain and depression wise, now the last few days I have been hurting a lot and my legs have been really stiff but that is just something I go through on days like it has been.  The last 4 days or so it has been cold, rainy and the sun has not shown through the clouds and it looks like it might not get much better anytime soon. Today it is supposed to get up to 68 and sunny already so that helps my mood out quite a bit.  I am going to do a little babysitting today for my friend today, hopefully that will go well.  Not doing too much else today, might do a little new writing on my book, I really want to get the book out as soon as I can but I am not going to rush anything though.

So, I had promised to talk about why I think it would be good for California to leave the United States of America.  It is not allowed for a state to leave the union but I think we should make an exception in the case of California.  I cannot believe that the people of California, I am sure not all of them are like this, do not think it is embarrassing that the reason why the started the secession movement because they are throwing a cry baby fit that their pick did not get elected President.  Thank good for Hillary Clinton losing, I may not be a huge Trump fan but I think he is a hell of a lot better than Clinton getting elected.  So basically just let those cry babies sit in the corner for awhile because if they did secede I guarantee that within about 5-10 years they will be crawling back on their hands and knees begging to rejoin the union.  I think it could work if that horrible state left, I know I would not miss anything there.  Have you seen how bad it has been at colleges out there like Berkeley.  I guess a few weeks ago they were going to have a free speech event and have people like Ann Coulter there to speak, who was invited.  So many riots out there, just a horrible place to send your child.  Also, Berkeley hires serial killers and domestic terrorist for its faculty so I would not want anyone in my family go there, even on a free ride.  Very dangerous.

I had met someone the other day at the mall while I was rolling around.  It was a younger woman and we somehow got to talking about politics and which side you are on, because I guess politics is considered a war to some.  Anyway, she told me that she was a proud liberal and I immediately replied that I was sorry to hear that.  When she asked why I would say that, I told her because I think liberalism is a disease with no known cure.  She did not like me much after that and it got even worse when I shut her down on "global warming".  Telling her she needed to read some real studies about it and that the Earth is, as always, on a cycle and that we go through these kind of times all the time.  She tried to tell me that humans are the biggest polluters in the world which I calmly replied that cows let out a huge amount of methane which is far worse than anything humans could do.  Also that the south pole in Antarctica is actually gaining about 82 million pounds of ice per year right now.  Just because the northern pole is a little warmer is not a big thing, the poles do not normally cool the same or warm the same at the same time.  When one gets a little warmer the other usually gets colder.  But these liberals will not listen to common sense or facts because they believe everything they see on Facebook or whatever watch see on Youtube.  Such a shame.

Well, that is all tonight.  I hope everyone of you has a great day or night, take care.


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