Hello everyone, I am back.  I hope all of you are doing great, I am not doing too terrible.  Yes, I am still depressed about my pills not doing anything and about being lonely but I am doing a pretty good job of putting on a happy-ish face for every body though.  I did get out today, my father came to visit me and we hung out for a little while.  I also went to the card shop and seen my friend who runs the place and talked with him for a bit.  So a pretty decent day, and the weather was great!  I did go out to enjoy the weather some today, I even caught the ice cream truck, haven't done that in a long time.  My pain has been a steady 7.5 today, even though in the mornings it can be as high as 10 for a little while.  But I am getting a little better, here is hoping this week is better.

So, I thought about what I should write about today when I ran across an article.  It was something on Kim Kardashian, I do not remember what it was about because I usually try to not look at what those idiots are doing.  Who really cares about people like that?  If you need any kind of acceptance from a person like that then you need to reevaluate your life.  What has, that person I will not name again, ever done to better society?  Nothing, she is just famous for a sex tape and just being rich.  I think she is a piece of crap and I do not want to hear about any interview or anything about them.

Sorry, just wanted to get that off my chest.  Feels a little better.  So, I have been doing a lot of research into what I want to talk about to this new pain doctor I am going to have starting on June 12th, I am going to call tomorrow to see if I can find a sooner appointment too.  I have found a lot of different pain meds I want to talk with him about and hopefully we can find something that will help me.

Well, that is all I have for tonight.  Kinda tired, did not get a nap in today.  I hope every one of you has a great night or day, take care!


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