Hey everyone, sorry I have been absent for a little while.  I hope all of you are doing well.  I am doing better, I think I had this stomach bug that was going around for a few days.  The last few days I have been sleeping a little more than usual.  Last night I did not sleep very well, there was a bad storm here and the tornado sirens went off about 9:30 or so and plus my fire alarm ran out of juice around 7 so I could not get that fixed until today.  It was very annoying, the constant beeping.  The beeping did not even have a good interval of beeps, it changed every time it went off.  Also, it would just stop for about 20 minutes every once in a while, which is very annoying as well.  Thankfully that didn't drive me crazy, I was already there anyway but it did make me a little upset.

So, this last weekend I had set up at the local card show.  I did alright, I made my money after paying for the table but did not sell that much.  I am going to set up at another show on April 29th.  It is a show that is put on by Chase who runs the local card shop.  It should be pretty good, the last show had quite a few more people that showed up.  Hopefully it will be more fun for me.

So, that is all I have for tonight, sorry so short.  Hope to be back tomorrow with more to talk about.  I hope everyone reading this has a great night or day, take care!


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