I hope this post reaches everyone in good spirits.  So, health wise I am doing pretty good today, I was feeling some pain but do not feel it at this time.  I did go to the gym today and lifted quite a bit and played some basketball.  So that brings on some pain but at the time it felt good to do.  Think I will start doing that more often.  It was nice getting back out there in the gym.

Don't think I am going to write much today since I seem to be waking up between 4 and 4:30 the last few days.  I think with all that working out, coupled with the early hours has made me a little sleepy today.  I really did get a lot done today.  I started cleaning at 6, I moved everything off of the counters and cleaned in there really good, standing up to do a lot of it.  Plus I did the floors in the kitchen.  So I am hoping to get some good rest tonight.

That is all for today, I hope everyone has a good day or night.  Take care.


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