
Showing posts from February, 2020

Skipped Day, It's Spreading, Dumb People, No Connection Until Now, Surprise Visitor

Alright Day, Lots of Hearsay, They Promise the Moon, Some People, Might Need to Cancel

Rest Day, Villain Coming Back, Scary Stuff, Nobody Likes Bernie, New Moon

More Snow, He's a Bad Man, Big Shakings, More Places, New Head Honcho

Good Day, New Project, Update on Crazy Person, Bad Kids, Batman Could Move Over

Don't Really Believe It

Alright Day, Too Bad, More Election Fun, Clone Wars, Why?

Decent Day, How it Started, Murder By a Thousand Cuts

Busy Day Again, Fan Favorite is Coming, Why Should I Care?

Getting Things Done, Misconceptions, Still Got It, Funny Stuff

Tough Morning, Rebels is Back, Too Much Support

Holiday That Will Not Be Named, Winning Side, Gets What He Deserves, Long Time, Mask Wearer

Still Searching, Evil Woman, It's Serious, Keeping Up

Cold Times, New Series, Cool Happenings, Stupid People

Late Post, Strange Shower, Drop Outs

I'm Back, The Master Isn't Returning, Iowa Can't Count

Finally Back, It's Over, Best Years, Dumb Politician, Flu Death
