Busy Day, Another Rumor, Thinks They Are Better
Hey there everyone, I hope your day is going great! Well, my day was pretty busy as I watched the boys today. It was only supposed to be until 3 but it was closer to 6 when I finally dropped them off. So my post tonight might be a little shorter because of it. But anyway, today wasn't all that bad because it is Sol Invictus or Conquering Sun. The sun will stay out one minute longer everyday until the summer solstice on June 21st. I like it even though it is the actual shortest day of the year. So, time for me to get into it!
Star Wars Day! Big news, a new rumor for Star Wars, alright that isn't that big but there is something new out now. I don't believe too much about this one as of yet, so I take it as a lower level rumor. Here is a little spoiler for the ending of season 2 of The Mandalorian, Luke Skywalker shows up at the end to take Grogu to train him as a Jedi. Now some Star Wars fans are thinking there will be a young Luke Skywalker series coming to Disney+. I just don't think that would happen, unless it is animated because you know how expensive that de-aging tech is, I don't think they could do that for a series. Not saying I wouldn't love to see something like that, I would, I just don't think it is feasible. Here is the webpage with that story; https://www.thathashtagshow.com/2020/12/20/new-rumor-luke-skywalker-series-in-development-for-disney/
I don't want to talk about this much, it gets my blood boiling. That these people in Congress, who get the best options for their health, get the vaccine before an 82 year old grandmother at the old folks home because they think they are more important than us peasants. Here is that idiot aoc getting one; https://nypost.com/2020/12/20/aoc-records-herself-getting-covid-19-vaccine-for-instagram/
Well, that's all for me on this Monday. I really hope that each of you have a great day or night, take care and stay safe!