Alright Day, Tiring Congress, Looking Forward to 2020
Hey there everyone, hope things are great for you today! It has been alright for me, I am feeling a little off since I have not gone No. 2 for about 5 days now, so I really need to go but I just have not been able to yet. When you are severely constipated then it messes with your metabolic system. It sometimes make me feel really hungry even though I really cannot eat anything, Just like when your blood sugar goes up too much or down too much it can make you sweat cold or make you start to shake a little, mostly in your upper body. I had that same feeling for a little bit today, it was very uncomfortable. It's alright, I have been through worse, I always like to say that. Guess it's time, let me get into it!
I really think something needs to be done about how judges, or really anyone, gets confirmed through the United States Congress because what is happening now is just a shit show of idiots out there trying to show their constituents that they are tough and will ask the hard questions. Give me a break, the spend most of the first day just giving these pointless monologues, all because there is a camera present. If this was a closed door confirmation then it would have been over with the first day. By closed door is that it would not let cameras in or anything like that. There are even sound proof rooms available to them to use but I guess pandering in front of the camera is more important than the American people. Then again, I don't hold Congress to very high of a degree.
As I have said before, I like to look forward to see what might happen. One thing I looked at online today was who exactly was running for president in 2020. From what I had seen on Wikipedia, this looks to be fun but I do not think they have the whole list of possible runners. The list of possible runners is just about every democrat politician you have heard of and some you have not heard about and then there are the people who want to run for the democratic seat, it is a very exhaustive list. I have two websites up that I will share with you so you can see who the experts are thinking might run and maybe win the presidency in 2020. Normally, the incumbent president, in this case President Donald Trump, do not have any competition in their own party but it looks as if there will be plenty of people vying for that chance and it's all because President Trump is so hated. One person I always get a little chuckle out of when I see these lists is Dwayne "Rock" Johnson, not because I don't think he would be good it's because he is always listed under democrats just because he is in Hollywood but he has been a registered member of the republican party in Florida for many years. For me to like someone I would need to know exactly what they stand for and you don't really know until election day comes around, which it will for us on a chilly November Tuesday in 2020. Here are those articles;,_2020,,_2020
Well, that is it for me tonight. I really do hope that you all have a great night or day, take care!
I really think something needs to be done about how judges, or really anyone, gets confirmed through the United States Congress because what is happening now is just a shit show of idiots out there trying to show their constituents that they are tough and will ask the hard questions. Give me a break, the spend most of the first day just giving these pointless monologues, all because there is a camera present. If this was a closed door confirmation then it would have been over with the first day. By closed door is that it would not let cameras in or anything like that. There are even sound proof rooms available to them to use but I guess pandering in front of the camera is more important than the American people. Then again, I don't hold Congress to very high of a degree.
As I have said before, I like to look forward to see what might happen. One thing I looked at online today was who exactly was running for president in 2020. From what I had seen on Wikipedia, this looks to be fun but I do not think they have the whole list of possible runners. The list of possible runners is just about every democrat politician you have heard of and some you have not heard about and then there are the people who want to run for the democratic seat, it is a very exhaustive list. I have two websites up that I will share with you so you can see who the experts are thinking might run and maybe win the presidency in 2020. Normally, the incumbent president, in this case President Donald Trump, do not have any competition in their own party but it looks as if there will be plenty of people vying for that chance and it's all because President Trump is so hated. One person I always get a little chuckle out of when I see these lists is Dwayne "Rock" Johnson, not because I don't think he would be good it's because he is always listed under democrats just because he is in Hollywood but he has been a registered member of the republican party in Florida for many years. For me to like someone I would need to know exactly what they stand for and you don't really know until election day comes around, which it will for us on a chilly November Tuesday in 2020. Here are those articles;,_2020,,_2020
Well, that is it for me tonight. I really do hope that you all have a great night or day, take care!