Hey all, I am back. Hope everyone is doing well, I'm not doing too bad. The weather here has been just great, I think it got up to 70 today. I actually felt good enough to go downtown and push around for a little while. Felt great but also showed me how out of shape I was. But everyone deals with that to some extent during the winter months. I hibernate a lot so it's easy for me to put on a few pounds, plus just being in the chair.
So, what would I like to talk about today? Nothing political because I am so sick of the political system in America right now and it has nothing to do with Donald Trump. I do not know why so many people thought the world was going to end when he got elected, if you knew anything about how politics are done then you would know that the president does not have that much real power. Instead, I would like to talk about a movie coming up that I am very pumped up for, Logan. Logan is basically trying to tell the Old Man Logan comic book on screen but they cannot do that since Fox does not own all the properties necessary. Instead, this is a story about Logan (Wolverine) losing some of his powers and dealing with a world with not many mutants left. Also it is a catalyst for his clone called X-23. If any of you have seen the trailers for the movie, X-23 is the little girl who has claws that are similar to the ones that Wolverine has. So the movie is going to delve into that subject, which I think is great. I recently watched a non-spoiler review from a trusted source, the channel on Youtube is called Beyond the Trailer and the hosts name is Grace. lovely lady. To try and sum up what she said, the movie was amazing. I trust her so I cannot wait. Wish I could go to the premier showing on Thursday but that is the day I have the procedure done on my bladder, the botox shot, so I will have to wait till the weekend to watch it. So that means to stay away from social media until I watch it, which is not very hard for me.
Well, I am about to get ready for bed. I hope everyone has a great night or day, take care.
So, what would I like to talk about today? Nothing political because I am so sick of the political system in America right now and it has nothing to do with Donald Trump. I do not know why so many people thought the world was going to end when he got elected, if you knew anything about how politics are done then you would know that the president does not have that much real power. Instead, I would like to talk about a movie coming up that I am very pumped up for, Logan. Logan is basically trying to tell the Old Man Logan comic book on screen but they cannot do that since Fox does not own all the properties necessary. Instead, this is a story about Logan (Wolverine) losing some of his powers and dealing with a world with not many mutants left. Also it is a catalyst for his clone called X-23. If any of you have seen the trailers for the movie, X-23 is the little girl who has claws that are similar to the ones that Wolverine has. So the movie is going to delve into that subject, which I think is great. I recently watched a non-spoiler review from a trusted source, the channel on Youtube is called Beyond the Trailer and the hosts name is Grace. lovely lady. To try and sum up what she said, the movie was amazing. I trust her so I cannot wait. Wish I could go to the premier showing on Thursday but that is the day I have the procedure done on my bladder, the botox shot, so I will have to wait till the weekend to watch it. So that means to stay away from social media until I watch it, which is not very hard for me.
Well, I am about to get ready for bed. I hope everyone has a great night or day, take care.