Hello everyone, I hope all of you are doing well today.  Well, I am still around but am hurting a lot more than usual the last few days.  It is a new pain, on top of the usual pain.  It is in my lower back, pretty much around the tailbone and a little higher.  It is a strange pain, never had this much pain back there.  Definitely muscle pain, not bone.  The good news is that the pain in my right hip has gone away but I think this lower, lower back pain has replaced it.  When I transfer I am not able to straighten my body, so I am hunched over, which makes everything a little harder.  Also, I whole body aches like when you become sick with the flu or something like that.  So basically, not much fun at all.  I had a doctors appointment with my urologist and I guess I am having the procedure where they inject botox into my bladder to expand it.  I had one last year around this time and he said that it is common to get another one between 8 to 12 months.  So that will be nice.

I do not have much to talk about, although I have been doing some work on my book recently.  That has felt very good.  Well, I am not far off from bed right now.  I hope everyone reading this has a great day or night, take care.


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