Hello everyone, I hope you all are having a better day than I am.  Just did not sleep very well last night and this weather change has my bones hurting a lot.  Yesterday it was in the mid 70's here and today it was in the lower 40's.  Good weather change to get everyone sick and mess up everyone's day.  I just cannot wait until it stays nice out, hopefully soon, but I am afraid that this weird weather we are having is going to cause some snow late in the cycle or even spring.  The trees here are already getting buds, I hope this cooler weather does not hurt them.

So, I wanted to talk a little Star Wars today.  I watched a few good videos and read a few interesting articles recently, all speculation about the upcoming Episode 8.  First I would like to talk about a video I had watched by Thor Skywalker that put forth the question of, what if everybody's Rey theory is wrong.  Probably the biggest question most people have after Episode 7 came out is, what is the lineage of Rey.  There have been a lot of these swirling around the Internet from she is the daughter of Luke, the grandchild of Kenobi to a reincarnation of Anakin.  The video puts it out there, what if no body has it right about her origins, what if she is a whole new character.  My theory, that I started on right after watching Episode 7 was that she is related somehow to Obi Wan-Kenobi.  Most of my thought process centered around the fact that she has a huge Imperial accent.  An Imperial accent, in the Star Wars universe, is a British accent to Americans.  In real life, Daisy Ridley who plays Rey has a strong British accent since she is from there, John Boyega who is also in the film has to hide his British accent with a more American English flare, so I thought that helped me out.  In the last film she has a strong accent, leading me to think she was related somehow to Kenobi, who himself has a strong accent.  Maybe I did not put a lot of thought into the theory but this was like 10 minutes after the movie when I was asked by a friend who I thought were her parents or relation.  But I have stuck to that theory ever since, even combining the Luke-Kenobi thoeries.  Saying that she was the granddaughter of Kenobi and the daughter of Luke.  It was a complicated suggestion by me, just wanting to make my theory work.  After watching Episode 7 a few more times and reading some of the books that have come out since then I am not as certain about my theory.  Especially when Daisy Ridley had said in an interview that she thought it was obvious who her parents were.  That interview through a lot of people for a loop, scrambling to find a nugget of something that they could use to figure it all out, but to no avail.  Basically what I am saying is that, what Thor Skywalker put forward is not so far off, but we will all find out in December when Episode 8 hits theaters.

The other good video I had watched today was from a channel called Let's Look it Up and it was about what possible characters could some of the new additions to Star Wars, Benicio Del Toro and Laura Dern, be playing.  It was a very informative video and I suggest if you would like some really good speculation then check them out.  I have never really put forth a theory on this but I did think that Laura Dern might be playing a Carise Sindian, a senator who was featured in the book Bloodlines, which is a really good book.  But I am just excited to see two great actors join the Star Wars cast.  It will be a great ride up until the movie comes out and then it will be wonderful to see it all play out on the screen for us.

Well, that is all for tonight, I hope everyone has a great day or night.  Take care.


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