Nasty Day, Not a Believer, Tough Little Guy, A Little Rant

 Hey there all, I hope your Wednesday is going great!  So my day has been good, had a few appointments but nothing real big.  It was pretty nasty today as it was cold, rainy and overcast all day so that means I felt quite a lot more pain.  I might find out more info about getting my teeth fixed tomorrow but maybe Friday, can't wait.  I think that will help out a lot for a few different things.  So anyway, time to get into it!

History Day!  Now I've never been a believer that the Shroud of Turin was authentic, that it shows the outline of the body of Jesus of Nazareth so call me what you want.  I am not going to go on a talk about what my beliefs are in a religious sense, I don't want to start a fire war.  Ever since I first read about this artifact I just never believed, I don't know the exact reason why.  One of the reasons I think is that it looks like a typical painting of Jesus at the time, the structure of the face doesn't seem like someone from Arab lands.  I think most of us can say that Jesus didn't look like the paintings being made in Medieval times as those paintings show a white man of European origin.  People nowadays are always thinking that the humans that lived centuries before us were dumb but that is far from the case.  The easy way to make this work as a forgery is if people of the time were able to use photographs, but I don't think it was available in the 14th century, the first mention of the shroud was in 1390.  Well, think what you want but here is the webpage I found this at;

Thought this was pretty neat and wanted to share it.  Beetles are famously tough insects but the type of beetle in this story is very strong cause it cannot be crushed.  This special little guy can help scientists figure out some stuff the way it locks it's parts together.  This could help make buildings more durable and I think it might have a use for combat armor for soldiers.  Here is that article;

This is just a little rant about what is going on right now.  Boone County has some pretty strict Covid restrictions, especially for businesses.  One of the largest is that bars and restaurants have to close by 10:30.  I think they are way to strict on that, it's hurting a lot of small businesses here in Columbia and it needs to stop.  Something I think doesn't pass the smell test is that the current health order here isn't in effect after the election.  I think there are a lot of things going to change after the election, good and bad but we will have to wait and see.  

Well, that's it for me tonight.  I really hope that all of you have a great night or day, take care and stay safe!


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