Love the Smart Drive, Wish We Had One Like Him, China Getting Testy, Don't Make the Jews Mad
Hey there everyone, I hope your day is going great! My day was pretty good, I spent a lot outside with my Smart Drive, I love that thing. I really think it is going to help my shoulders last a little bit longer and keep me out of a power chair. I started doing a new challenge at the gym, the 100 bicep curls a day or 30 days. I am only using 10 pound dumbells right now, not my usual 30 pounders because 10 is enough for now. I will go up every week, next is 15. Just wanted to do something different. Not really much else today, so let me get into it!
History Day! I was not too old during the 1992 presidential election but I do remember how much this man changed it all. I'm talking of course about the most famous recent third party candidate for president, H. Ross Perot. I remember that pretty much everything about the guy I liked at that time and I think looking back he would have been a great president. But of course the two party system would not let an outsider come in and steal the election. One thing I liked that he talked about, even back when I was only 12, was the deficit because nobody had ever talked about that before, it was seen as too taboo. I remember my teachers were enthralled with him and his infomercial shows. I think we need something like that back in the upcoming elections, somebody to throw a spanner in the works. Here is the article I found on this;
I hope that China doesn't get stupid and go after Taiwan because if that happens then The United States would get involved on the side of Taiwan. It's a very sticky situation, if America recognizes Taiwan as a legitimate sovereign nation then we would probably break all ties to the Chinese mainland. It's one of those bad situations that do not have a good answer. I'm sure we would be alright though as America has the strongest military in the world. Guess we will have to see how that goes, here is an article on it;
Now New York has done it, they pissed off the Jews, and now there will be hell to pay. The Hasidic Jews are one group they really shouldn't have upset, not saying they should upset anyone but governor Cuomo is good at making people mad. The violence from the Jews came about when the governor put a ban on houses of worship. I guess the term 'Jewish Lives Matter' is a thing, wonder if it'll catch on around the country. Guess we will have to wait an see if New York becomes the new epicenter for violence. Here is that article I found;
That's all for me tonight. I really hope that all of you have a great night or day, take care and stay safe!