Long Absence, Really Good Series, My Thoughts Russia and Ukraine
Hey there all, sorry for my terrible time keeping. I have been very busy lately and have not gotten a chance to write until now. I have been working a lot, which I like and also going to the gym every day, which I also really like. Sometimes I do take on more than I should, never really been good at not doing stuff lately. I seem to get bored if I am at home for too long but I am trying to get better with that. So let me go on and get into it!
The Book of Boba Fett wrapped up this last Wednesday. I think overall it was a great series, we learn what happened to Boba Fett after he fell into the Sarlac pit and how he got out. Most fans figured he somehow survived but where not sure exactly how. Plus it showed us what he was up to after getting out of the Sarlac. It was great to see the Tusken Raiders better than we have in any other Star Wars media. And what does a former bounty hunter do once freed, he goes after those he worked for which is Jabba the Hut. Watching him take over the throne of Jabba was great. We knew that this was basiscally a spin-off of The Mandalorian so it was great to see him show up and help out in the final battle against the Pyke Syndicate. I don't think there will be a season 2 of this show but you never know. Here is a review of season 1; https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2022/02/review-the-book-of-boba-fett-is-lots-of-fun-but-its-really-the-mandalorian-2-5/
This part of the blog will just be my opinion on a current news story from anywhere in the world. One of the bigger stories right now is, Will Russia invade Ukraine. I do not think Russia will invade without any act or an act that looks like Ukraine is doing something first. But Putin is not a rational person so it is hard to read what will happen there. Russia has gotten close to China recently and this involves another hotspot, Taiwan. I do think that if Ukraine is hit, it will be after the Olympics and will coincide with an attack on Taiwan. Russia would think that two attacks over two hotspots would throw the world into chaos. That could be the goal of Russia because the United States would essentially freak out, especially with a weak leader like we have now. Something like this happening, Ukraine and Taiwan being attacked would throw the whole world into another world war. Let's hope that does not happen. Guess we will see.
Well that is all from me today. I will try to be back soon everyone. I really hope that all of you have a great night or day, take care!